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  • The Baguette
  • De captivants à banals, les articles et photographies de “The Baguette” sont une tentative de publier un journal de ma vie dans la Manche et de proposer un forum de discussion pour tout ce qui touche à la Normandie.
  • De captivants à banals, les articles et photographies de “The Baguette” sont une tentative de publier un journal de ma vie dans la Manche et de proposer un forum de discussion pour tout ce qui touche à la Normandie.


  • AREVA, LA HAGUE (08/31/2009)
    The La Hague site is a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant of AREVA on the French Cotentin Peninsula that currently has nearly half of the world's light water reactor spent nuclear fuel reprocessing capacity. It has a capacity of about 1700 tons per year....
  • ANDRA (08/31/2009)
    ANDRA (Agence National pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs), has the task of storing above ground "low- and intermediate-activity" and "short-life" radioactive material. The site currently contains 527,000 cubic meters of radioactive material and...
    L'église Notre-Dame de Querqueville is where I attend Mass on Sundays. Sometimes it is held in another church in Urville-Nacqueville which isn't as old and has more of a modern flair to it than Notre-Dame. Notice how from this vantage point at the top...
  • DIGUE DE QUERQUEVILLE (08/30/2009)
    Fort Chavagnac was built from 1854 to 1869 about 2 km northwest of Cherbourg. Along with several other forts and a long harbor wall, Fort Chavagnac defended France's northern naval base at Cherbourg. It has a triangular edifice with rounded edges, designed...
  • RADE DE CHERBOURG (08/27/2009)
    Here’s a photo of the Digue de Querqueville. It is part of the Rade de Cherbourg, the largest man-made harbor in the world. Unfortunately, the forts around different places along the rade have been ravaged by time, sea water and man. I went on a trip...